About Us
The roots of Traumatology Department of the School of Medicine were started in year 1925 when the first European hospital with scientific basis was opened in Mongolia.
In 1942, the National University of Mongolia was established wherein the Faculty of Human Medicine was founded and the training of domestic doctors began.
Since 2010, two branches of Traumatology and Rehabilitation Medicine have merged to become the Department of Traumatology Rehabilitation, and since 2018, it has expanded into the Department of Traumatology.
The Department of Traumatology is working with a total of 4 teachers in the fields of pre-graduation training for the students studying in Human Medicine of the School of Medicine, graduate master’s and doctoral training, as well as post-graduation in basic and specialized specializations.
Mission of our Department
We aims to be one of the best departments of the School of Medicine that provides education, research, health and medical care services in the field of injury and rehabilitation that meet international and national demands, and prepares specialists who can work as a team with competence and ethical relationships.
Introduction of Teachers
The Traumatology Department has 4 teachers: a doctor and 3 masters of medicine.
Undergraduate: Graduate: Postgraduate:
Foreign Relations
Major Projects of the Department