
Эрдмийн цол зэрэг:

Имэйл хаяг:


Avirmed Erdenebileg

Master of Medicine Clinical Professor

Medical Education:

1986-1992 Genereal Physician at the School of Medicine /АУИС/

1992-1994 Master of Medicine in Trauma Surgeon

2000 Trauma Surgeon, Belgium

2001 Treatment of Osteomyelitis /Bone Abscess or Infection/, Irkutsk, Russia

2010 Knee Arthroscopy Surgery, Hyundai Hospital, South Korea

2012 Limb-salvage surgery, Hyundai University Hospital, South Korea

2015 Arthroplasty Surgery, Germany


1991 Traumatologist at National Traumatology and Orthopedics Research Center

1992 Intern Teacher, Department Teacher, Senior Teacher, Head of the Department, Consultant Teacher at the Department of Traumatology of MNUMS

1992 Subordinate doctor, Doctor of Department, Head of Clinic, Consultant Doctor at National Traumatology and Orthopedics Research Center

2018 Consultant Doctor at “Erhes” medical resort /sanatortium/ of MNUMS

Since 2019, Consultant Doctor of MJH

2019 Consultant Doctor of Traumatology Department of Khan-Uul District Hospital

2022 Consultant Doctor of National Traumatology and Orthopedics Research Center

Lessons taught at MNUMS:


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